Green Creek First Baptist Church
534 Coxe Rd.Columbus, NC 28722
Rev. Brinton Easley
Youth Minister Interns
Mr. Zach Connor
Mr. Chandler Threatt
Church Secretary
Mrs. Lorrie Rickman
History of Green Creek First Baptist Church
The church was organized in 1796 by two brothers, John and Joel Blackwell. These men had fought in the revolutionary war and after the war settled in the Green Creek area. Seeing the spiritual needs of the area, the two men brought area residents together to form a church. Green Creek First Baptist gets its name from Green’s Creek, which flowed near the site of the first church building. For many years, the church was known as Green’s Creek Baptist Church.
The first two houses of worship were located on Jack Branch, about one half mile from where it flowed into Green’s Creek. Both were small log structures. In 1980, a marker was erected just off Coxe Road to mark the original site.
In 1855, the Great March fire, destroyed the church building. The third building was erected on the site of the present church. This building became the home for the Green Creek School. A fourth building was erected and used until 1878. This building was sold, and the third building which had been used for many years as a school, was repaired and again used for church services. In 1910, a fifth building was erected and was dedicated in June, 1912, with an estimated 1,200 people present.
The present church building was built in 1951. It is a three story, brick building with a sanctuary seating capacity of 400. The present location is in the geographical center of Green Creek township, Polk County, NC.
In 1803, Green’s Creek Church helped in the organization of Wolf Creek Baptist Church in Landrum, SC area. This church would become Landrum First Baptist Church. A short while later, Green’s Creek Church led in organizing the Arrowood Baptist Church near Chesnee, SC.
The church has been a member of the Bethel South Carolina Association, the Broad River Association and Sandy Run Association. In October 1982, the church became a member of the Polk Baptist Association.
Following its first pastor, the Rev. John Blackwell, a long line of dedicated men have served as pastor.
In 1990, the church again undertook a building project, this time to erect a new educational building and fellowship hall. This project was completed and dedicated during the ministry of Dr. Carroll Page. The dedication service was held June 28th, 1992.
In 1992, the church purchased the old Green Creek School property across the road from the church. The church called Dr. Don McIntyre as pastor in January, 1996. A Family Life Center was established on the old school property. At the celebration of 200 years of existence, September 1, 1996, the congregation joined in the burning of the note, retiring all indebtedness on church properties. The center is a great service to the community of Polk County.
The church began a Hispanic Ministry with Rev. Juan Malino, as the pastor. He is now pastoring the Alpha and Omega Spanish Church in Landrum.
Mrs. Krista Haynes became Green Creek First Choir Director in 2003.
After serving Green Creek First for 10 years, Dr. Don McIntyre retired at the end of December in 2005. The church began an affiliation with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Television Telephone Ministry in 2005. BGEA televises old and new crusades each Wednesday and Saturday and we team with other centers around the country to answer phones for those who call in on Wednesday evenings. We also answer calls for national telecasts which run 1-4 times a year. These telecasts are for 9 days. Calls come from those who are seeking a relationship with Christ through salvation and rededication. We also receive many calls for prayer and encouragement. This has been a ministry with many, many blessings and we are constantly amazed and grateful the Lord has allowed us to be involved.
The church has on staff a Youth Minister. The youth have done mission work in another state, another country as well as local missions.
The church continues to grow and seek the Lord’s will for HIS service. All praise is given to HIM!
ServicesSunday Sunday School- 9:30 AM Morning Worship- 10:30 AM Children (4 yrs- 2nd grade)- 10:30 AM Evening (Depends on Schedule) If Outreach and prayer time Sunday - 5 PM If Bible Study night - 6 PM Children (4- 10 yrs)- 6 PM Youth (6th- 12th grade)- 6 PM Wednesday Billy Graham TVTM - 5:45 PM Bible Study- 6 PM Choir Rehearsal- 6:30 PM Children, WOL (4- 10 yrs)- 6 PM Youth (6th- 12th grade)- 6 PM |