Polk Baptist Association History
The birth of the Polk Baptist Association took place on September 14th, 1969, at the Columbus Baptist Church, Columbus NC. There were 45 persons present for the organization of this new mission work. Then on November 23, 1969 a committee met at the Columbus Baptist Church in Columbus, NC to select officers for the Polk Baptist Association. Quarterly Meetings began in 1970. One of the first recorded meeting was held at the Faith Baptist Church on October 22, 1970. Before this time some of the churches belonged to the Sandy Run and Green River Baptist Associations.
There were several factors that led to the organizing of the Polk Baptist Association.
There is no doubt about the guidance of the Holy Spirit in this dramatic move. The
distance for local churches to travel to the other associations, hindered involvement in those associations. A closer unit of ministry and missions was needful and practical for the churches located in this area. A local association allowed for pooling of more church resources, gifts, talents for mission ministry. Truly those who first envisioned this endeavor was led by a strong faith in God’s reality, His resources and His rewards.
Since it’s humble beginning in 1969, the churches of the Polk Baptist Association have joined hand in hand, heart to heart, willing to be used as instruments in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the spreading of the gospel and for the good of people in Polk County and even around the world. These churches worshipping, working and witnessing, individually and together have accomplished much under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, for the good of mankind and for the glory of God. All of the glory belongs to God!
From the Rutherford County line on the East, to Saluda, NC on the west, from Lake Lure in the north, to the South Carolina line in the south, there are twenty-four churches striving to seek the Lord’s will in ministry and mission outreach, here in Polk County,and to the ends of the earth.
The desire of this association is to carry out the “Great Commission”, given by the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 18-20, by working together with our churches, sister associations, the Baptist State Convention of NC, the Southern Baptist Convention and affiliated ministries, agencies, etc., of like minded faith and practice. Our churches are made up of Conservative
believers. We believe in the total inspiration, inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible, God’s holy word.
Our Mission Statement is, “Helping Churches Grow Together and Accomplish Their Mission.” This is our desire. This is our duty. This is our dream. This is our destiny.
Directors of Missions who have served:
Rev. Zeb Baker…January 1973 – April 1977
Rev. Roy Cable… March 1977 – March 1978
Rev. Marshal Simpson… August 1978 – June 1986
Rev. O. Lee Gregory… August 1986 – March 1994
Rev. J. Hubert Street…April 1994 – April, 2015
Rev. John Edwards (Interim)
Rev. Philip Bailey… August, 2017 - December, 2021
Rev. Pete VandeWeghe (Interim)
Dr. Craig Bailey...November 2022 - present
The Polk Associational office is located at 135 Blanton Street, Columbus, NC.
Our mailing address is P.O. Box 711, Columbus, NC 28722
Telephone – (828) 894-3787
E-mail – asocpba@windstream.net
Weekly Events Monday Ministers' Conference- 10:30 AM Located Downstairs at the PBA. All Ministers Welcome Friday Free Hot Meal for people in the area. Especially nice for those who live alone or have no other family in the home at lunchtime. Good to be able to fellowship with others. Also when local workers are tired of packing a lunch or eating fast food, this is a welcome change for them. (Donations accepted.) 11:30 AM -12:30 PM. Located in the Care Kitchen, Downstairs PBA building. 135 Blanton Street Columbus, NC |